https://www.nhs.uk/vaccinations/nhs-vaccinations-and-when-to-have-them/ you would hate the UK/NHS. As a newborn, babies get three doses of a 6-in-1, at 12 months, they get four single vaccines, one in each limb. Other combo's throughout life. But the NHS would value convenience.

For any future child I will be asking about alternative schedules, even if it means going private. My son just got one illness after another as well as skin complaints after the 12 months jabs. I cannot say if it is a coincidence, but it just seems so much to give them at once. He's 2 and doing better now.

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Apr 7Liked by Doc Anarchy

I love these recommendations. Unfortunately you will be kicked out of some clinics because they REFUSE to diverge from their state’s vax schedule. I started doing this with my kids in 2016 and was told by two different physicians that they would be audited, or they only administer per the CA schedule. None of these were related to my kids’ benefit.

But alas, I’ve resided in Texas for the last two years now and don’t have to worry about the lunacy of “modern medicine”

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Apr 7·edited Apr 7Liked by Doc Anarchy

In 2018, the DHHS finally admitted to RFK, Jr., Aaron Siri, et al, that none of the mandated childhood vaccines per the CDC schedule have been tested for safety, prior to licensing, in long term, inert placebo tests. None. (per RFK)

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Apr 7Liked by Doc Anarchy

Dr Paul Thomas, a now (forcibly) retired pediatrician has been very outspoken about spacing out vaccines for children, and wrote a book based on extensive research about it. He is now adamant about NO vaccines, and I trust him. My 21 year old nephew got his MMR when he was young and lost all words, eye contact and pointing. When you see it happen, you believe.

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My daughter and son in law are pregnant with their first, and as of now they’re planning on no vaccines. I can’t blame them. The more we know, the riskier they seem, with less benefit than promised. (I’m staying out of it, it’s their decision).

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