Apr 25Liked by Doc Anarchy

I’m old enough that I had all the childhood diseases... measles, chicken pox, mumps. I felt horrible for a few days but recovered well. And interestingly, my immune system is amazing as an adult. I still haven’t had covid despite working on the public and refusing the jab, and I don’t remember ever having the flu in my entire life. I don’t take flu shots either. Maybe, just maybe, it’s important to get these less severe diseases as kids to enjoy good health later on. It’s a theory that should be considered, at least.

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Apr 25Liked by Doc Anarchy

My brother and I went to the doctor for mumps after our dentist cheerily told my mother that it looked like we had it. (A disease so scary the dentist was chipper after being in our faces.) We got some sweet vacay from school, which in my book, was a positive side effect.

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Apr 25Liked by Doc Anarchy

My understanding was that rubella was very risky for pregnant women, causing a sharp increase in birth defects. Otherwise, for healthy adults it's not a serious illness.

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